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Reclaim Your Heart

Reclaim Your Heart

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That broken heart and that pain are lessons and signs for us. They are warnings that something is wrong. They are warnings that we need to make a change. Just like the pain of being burned is what warns us to remove our hand from the fire, emotional pain warns us that we need to make an internal change. We need to detach. Pain is a form of forced detachment. Like the loved one who hurts you again and again and again, the more dunya hurts us, the more we inevitably detach from it. The more we inevitably stop loving it. And pain is a pointer to our attachments. That which makes us cry, that which causes us the most pain is where our false attachments lie. And it is those things which we are attached to as we should only be attached to Allah which become barriers on our path to God. But the pain itself is what makes the false attachment evident. The pain creates a condition in our life that we seek to change, and if there is anything about our condition that we don’t like, there is a divine formula to change it. God says: “Verily never will God change the condition of a people until they change what is within themselves.” (Qur’an, 13:11) After years of falling into the same pattern of disappointments and heartbreak, I finally began to realize something profound. I had always thought that love of dunya meant being attached to material things. And I was not attached to material things. I was attached to people. I was attached to moments. I was attached to emotions. So I Reclaim your heart, selain self-help, adalah panduan perjalanan hati dalam membebaskan diri dari jebakan kehidupan, untuk menemukan makna hidup sejati. Buku ini, tentang apa yang harus kita lakukan ketika terjebak dalam badai kehidupan; tentang bagaiman menjaga hati agar kita tak tenggelam dalam samudra dunia. Sesungguhnya tidaklah engkau meninggalkan sesuatu karena Allah kecuali Allah akan menggantikannya denga yang lebih baik bagimu. (halaman 35)” Penderitaan dan kesulitan itu memiliki banyak tujuan di dalam hidup. Penderitaan dapat berfungsi sebagai petunjuk sekaligus obat atas hubungan kita dengan sang Pencipta yang rusak. (hlm. 153)

Mogahed has written columns for Huffington Post [3] and was an Islam section staff columnist for InFocus News. [7] Books [ edit ] In the second topic, she explains the concept of love in the material world and also with our God. She explains how hardship comes with ease. Allah is enough for us to solve our problems and we should take help from Him. She also gives examples of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and His companions. In this topic, she explains what we want and what Allah does for us. Allah always does good for us. She gives the reference to the Quranic verse in which Allah (SWT) says, “It may happen that you hate a thing which is good for you, and it may happen that you love a thing which is bad for you. Allah knows, you know not.” Kemampuan untuk mudah memaafkan harus didorong oleh kesadaran akan kekurangan dan kesalahan kita sendiri terhadap orang lain. Tapi yang terpenting,kerendahan hati kita harus didorong oleh kenyataan bahwa kita berbuat salah kepada Allah setiap hari dalam kehidupan kita. (hlm. 135) Reclaim Your Heart is not just a self-help book. It is a manual about the journey of the heart in and out of the ocean of this life. It is a book about how to keep your heart from sinking to the depths of that ocean, and what to do when it does. It is a book about redemption, about hope, about renewal. Every heart can heal, and each moment is created to bring us closer to that transformative return. But it is possible that you dislike a thing which is good for you, and that you love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knows, and you know not.” (Quran, 2:216)feel that you′re so close to me! Every single would you wrote touches me deeply! —Noor I think I was living a hypocritical life, where I just say that I love Allah, but my actions do not reflect the same. The Transformation in my life came when I started knowing the real essence and meaning of LOVE Allah from your articles and lectures. Alhamdulillah. And soon then EVERYTHING in my life set STRAIGHT..! —Nazeer MashAllah, Allah has gifted you with the ability to penetrate right to one’s heart, shake it and get it to start working the way it should! Thank You Allah for people like Yasmin Mogahed:) —Ghazi A. May Allah bless you and protect you forever and ever. May you go to heaven and live there happily ever after. Never under estimate the lives your words touch. Inshallahrabanayanthur 3aleiki be3ayn al rida tonight (May God look at you with the eye of contentment tonight)! If there was a place deeper than the heart then it would have been from there. I just truly wanted you to know what an amazing gift and inspiration you have been to the Muslim society-in particular the youth. You may or may Salah (5 Daily Prayers): Five times a day we must pull away from the dunya to focus on our Creator and ultimate purpose. Five times a day, we detach ourselves from whatever we are doing of worldly life, and turn to God. Prayer could have been prescribed only once a day or week or all five prayers could have been done at one time each day, but it is not. The prayers are spread throughout the day. If one keeps to their prayers at their specified times, there is no opportunity to get attached. As soon as we begin to become engrossed in whatever dunya matter we’re involved in (the job we’re doing, the show we’re watching, the test we’re studying for, the person we can’t get off our mind), we are forced to detach from it and turn our focus to the only true object of attachment. Siyam (Fasting): Fasting is all about detachment. It is the detachment from food, drink, sexual intimacy, vain speech. By restraining our physical self, we ennoble, purify, and exalt our spiritual self. Through fasting we are forced to detach ourselves from our physical needs, desires, and pleasures. Zakat (Charity): Zakat is about detaching ourselves from our money and giving it for the sake of God. By giving it away, we are forced to break our attachment to wealth. Hajj (Pilgrimage): Hajj is one of the most comprehensive and profound acts of detachment. A pilgrim leaves behind everything in his life. He gives up his family, his home, his Yasmin aims to shift and refocus the reader’s vision of life through her writing and I can wholeheartedly say that Reclaim Your Heart gave me a whole new perspective on the purpose of life. I don’t believe that anyone who reads this book could not benefit from its wisdom.”

because it goes against our nature. We, as humans, are made to seek, love, and strive for what is perfect and what is permanent. We are made to seek what’s eternal. We seek this because we were not made for this life. Our first and true home was Paradise: a land that is both perfect and eternal. So the yearning for that type of life is a part of our being. The problem is that we try to find that here. And so we create ageless creams and cosmetic surgery in a desperate attempt to hold on—in an attempt to mold this world into what it is not, and will never be. And that’s why if we live in dunya with our hearts, it breaks us. That’s why this dunya hurts. It is because the definition of dunya, as something temporary and imperfect, goes against everything we are made to yearn for. Allah put a yearning in us that can only be fulfilled by what is eternal and perfect. By trying to find fulfillment in what is fleeting, we are running after a hologram…a mirage. We are digging into concrete with our bare hands. Seeking to turn, what is by its very nature temporary into something eternal is like trying to extract from fire, water. You just get burned. Only when we stop putting our hopes in dunya, only when we stop trying to make the dunya into what it is not—and was never meant to be (jannah)—will this life finally stop breaking our hearts. We must also realize that nothing happens without a purpose. Nothing. Not even broken hearts. Not even pain. Allah knows best. Ini tepatnya di sub judul “Closed Doors And The Illusions That Blind Us” Di bagian ini Yasmin Mogahed bercerita tentang anaknya yang berusia 22 bulan ingin menutup pintu mobil tapi Yasmin Mogahed tau bahwa anaknya dalam bahaya (mungkin tangannya bakal kejepit atau sesuatu yg jelas bikin anaknya ga aman), akhirnya beliau menggendong anaknya dan menjauhkannya dari pintu mobil lantas si anak menangis. Hal ini membuat Yasmin Mogahed berpikir bahwa dalam hidup ini seringkali kita juga merasakan hal tersebut. Di saat kita ingin mendapatkan sesuatu tetapi ternyata tidak bisa, di saat itulah Allah sedang menjauhkan kita dari sesuatu yang mungkin memang tidak baik untuk kita. Sesuai dalam surat Al Baqarah (2) ayat 216, Allah tau yang terbaik. WHY DO PEOPLE HAVE TO LEAVE EACH OTHER? When I was 17 years old, I had a dream. I dreamt that I was sitting inside a masjid and a little girl walked up to ask me a question. She asked me, “Why do people have to leave each other?” The question was a personal one, but it seemed clear to me why the question was chosen for me. I was one to get attached. Ever since I was a child, this temperament was clear. While other children in preschool could easily recover once their parents left, I could not. My tears, once set in motion, did not stop easily. As I grew up, I learned to become attached to everything around me. From the time I was in first grade, I needed a best friend. As I got older, any fall-out with a friend shattered me. I couldn’t let go of anything. People, places, events, photographs, moments— even outcomes became objects of strong attachment. If things didn’t work out the way I wanted or imagined they should, I was devastated. And disappointment for me wasn’t an ordinary emotion. It was catastrophic. Once let down, I never fully recovered. I could never forget, and the break never mended. Like a glass vase that you place on the edge of a table, once broken, the pieces never quite fit again. However the problem wasn’t with the vase, or even that Masalahnya bukan cobaan itu sendiri. Masalahnya bukanlah rasa lapar atau rasa dingin. Masalahnya adalah apakah kita memilih bekal yang dibutuhkan ketika rasa lapar dan dingin itu datang. Jika begitu, rasa lapar maupun rasa dingin tadi takkan menyentuh kita. Takkan dapat menyakiti. Masalahnya adalah ketika rasa lapar datang, kita tidak memiliki makanan. Masalahnya adalah ketika badai salju menerjang, kita tidak memiliki tempat berlindung. Yasmin Mogahed (born March 11, 1980) is an American educator and motivational speaker. She is a specialist in spirituality, psychology, and personal development. [2] Mogahed is the first female instructor at the AlMaghrib Institute. [3] [4] Education and career [ edit ]Nilai seorang wanita dalam Islam tidak diukur dengan kecantikan rupa, ukuran pinggang, atau jumlah laki-laki yang menyukai namun diukur dengan skala yang lebih tinggi dengan ketaqwaannya (kalo di bukunya sih dibilang dengan righteousness and piety, bingung terjemahan yang benernya apa jadi aku tulis aja ketaqwaan). Sayangnya, sekarang dalam era feminisme Barat, standar yang digunakan adalah standar pria. Seorang wanita harus bisa melakukan apa yang pria lakukan, padahal jelas bahwa pria dan wanita itu berbeda. Allah menilai manusia pria dan wanita bukan dari kesamaannya, tetapi justru dari perbedaan yang memang sudah ada penilaian masing-masing untuk pria dan wanita. Tak ada yang sulit jika kau mencarinya kepada Tuhanmu. Tak ada yang mudah jika kau mencarinya pada dirimu sendiri. (hlm. 126) INTRODUCTION Reclaim Your Heart is not just a self-help book. It is a manual about the journey of the heart in and out of the ocean of this life. It is a book about how to keep your heart from sinking to the depths of that ocean, and what to do when it does. It is a book about redemption, about hope, about renewal. Every heart can heal, and each moment is created to bring us closer to that transformative return. Reclaim Your Heart is about finding that moment when everything stops and suddenly looks different. It is about finding your own awakening. And then returning to the better, truer, and freer version of yourself. Reclaim Your Heart is not just a self-help book. It is a manual about the journey of the heart in and out of the ocean of this life. It is a book about how to keep your heart from sinking to the depths of that ocean, and what to do when it does. It is a book about redemption, about hope, about renewal. Every heart can heal, and each moment is created to bring us closer to that transformative return. Reclaim Your Heart is about finding that moment when everything stops and suddenly looks different. It is about finding your own awakening. And then returning to the better, truer, and freer version of yourself. Many of us live our lives, entrapped by the same repeated patterns of heartbreak and disappointment. Many of us have no idea why this happens. Reclaim Your Heart is about freeing the heart from this slavery. It is about the journey in an out of life’s most deceptive traps. This book was written to awaken the heart and provide a new perspective on love, loss, happiness, and pain. Providing a manual of sorts, Reclaim Your Heart will teach readers how to live in this life without allowing life to own you. It is a manual of how to protect your most prized possession: the heart. It sounds comical, but the truth is, we put the needs of our body above the needs of our soul. We feed our bodies, because if we didn’t, we’d die. But so many of us starve our souls, forgetting that if we are not praying our soul is dead. And ironically, the body that we tend to is only temporary, while the soul that we neglect is eternal.”

Yasmin Mogahed, dalam bukunya Reclaim Your Heart mengibaratkan hati seperti bejana. Jika bejana ingin diisi, maka bejana tersebut harus dikosongkan. Baru setelah itu, bejana bisa diisi lagi. Jika Anda ingin mengisi hati dengan Allah, maka segala isi hati harus ditumpahkan dulu. Memang Allah mengirimkan cobaan, di mana kita dapat dimurnikan, diperkuat, dan kembali kepada-Nya. Tapi, ketahuilah bahwa bersama rasa lapar, rasa haus dan rasa dingin itu, Allah mengirimkan makanan, minuman, dan tempat berlindung, Allah mengirimkan cobaan, tapi bersamanya Allah dapat mengirimkan kesabaran dan bahkan keridaan untuk menanggung cobaan tersebut. Benar, Allah mengirim Adam mengirim ke dunia ini tempat ia harus berjuang dan menghadapi kesulitan. Reclaim your heart is an Islamic and life-changing book. It is all about physical and spiritual purification. It is written by Yasmin Mogahed. This book is a heart-opening that is written to awaken the people. It convinces us to think about what we are doing in this material life and what should we do. In this book, she covers many aspects of life. She explains Attachments with our God and the material life, Love, Hardships, Relationships with the creator, and also explains a woman’s status, Ummah in a good manner. Selain tentang tauhid buku ini juga mengajarkan banyak topik lainnya. Aku mau nulis beberapa pelajaran yang bisa aku ambil setelah membaca buku ini (sebenernya banyak banget sih, tapi ini cuma aku tulis sebagian):Yasmin Mogahed received her B.S. Degree in Psychology and her Masters in Journalism and Mass Communications from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. After completing her graduate work, she taught Islamic Studies and worked as a writing instructor for Cardinal Stritch University, and a staff columnist for the Islam section of InFocus News. Currently she’s a freelance writer and international speaker. She also hosts ‘Serenity’, her show on One Legacy Radio. The words in this book are not meagre words, they are words that have the ability to elicit tears, tears which come from knowing and recognizing the truth and then attempting to find this truth within yourself.” Reclaim Your Heart gave me a whole new perspective on the purpose of life. I don’t believe that anyone who reads this book could not benefit from its wisdom.”

Seperti bejana apa pun, hati harus dikosongkan sebelum diisi. Kita tak pernah bisa berharap untuk mengisi hati dengan Tuhan selama hati tersebut dipenuhi banyak hal selain-Nya.” (halaman 51) DEDICATION “This book is dedicated, in its entirety, to the One who has raised me even before I was in my mother’s womb. It is dedicated to the One who has taught me, inspired me and guided me throughout my life. I dedicate this humble endeavor to God, and I only pray that in spite of my weakness, it may be accepted, and to my family who has supported me throughout the journey.” This book is about the emotional and psychological side of eeman/iman. It doesn't just talk about facts and what you should or shouldn't do, no... it talks about the heart. And Yasmin Mogahed tells complicated things in such a simple way. It cleares up your mind. I felt a little lost sometimes, my head was so full, my heart filled with unrest.. there were times I didn't know WHAT to think. But now.. every time I feel scared or sad or lonely, I take this book and read. My love for Allah has grown so much. May Allah bless her and help her to inspire even more people insaAllah. Do you ever feel that you are disconnected of this world? Or do you feel so attached to it?. Are you comfortable in your life or just living it day-to- day? With fake dreams & wishes?I wasn't following Yasmin's blog or was aware of her writings until I noticed her name a lot on Facebook & the latest RIS Conference in Canada. Jika hati Anda berisi dengan kehidupan duniawi, makanan, hiburan, dan kesenangan-kesenangan lainnya, maka Tuhan tidak akan masuk ke hati Anda. Kosongkan terlebih dahulu hati, maka Allah pun akan mengisi. Jika hati diisi oleh Tuhan, maka kehidupan akan terasa lebih baik terasa. Karena perasaan yang dimiliki bukan lagi takut kehilangan dunia, tetapi yakin bahwa hidup Anda bersama Tuhan maka akan senantiasa dalam penjagaan-Nya.

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